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Secure Exclusive Kitties Through Daily Auctions

Step into the world of KittyPunch where, every day, a unique piece of 1/1 anime-inspired art awaits your bid. Crafted with care by the illustrious KittyPunch core art team or renowned guest artists, each NFT is a gateway to unparalleled exclusivity and charm.

Upon winning, your KittyPunch NFT not only becomes a prized possession but also a key to a dedicated Punch Vault.

KittyPunch #11

Starting Soon

KittyPunch #11

    10.1 kpETH
  • 0x456...def
    8.7 kpETH
  • 0x789...ghi
    5.1 kpETH
  • 0xabc...jkl
    2.9 kpETH
  • 0xdef...mno
    0.29 kpETH

Need KittyPunch Ether (kpETH)? You can wrap your ETH on Blast using our dedicated Punch Vault. kpETH automatically earns native yield while you bid, so you never lose out!